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Morley Meadow Primary School

Morley Meadow Primary School

Friends Association

At Morley Meadow we have a Friends Association called Friends of Morley Meadow Primary School (FMMPS) which raises money and organises social events for both parents and children. 

Everyone is invited to join in the many events including Summer and Christmas fairs, children’s discos and other events throughout the year.

How is the money raised used?

 We have successfully provided additional educational resources for classrooms, helped with funding for the new bespoke meadow-themed library as well as contributing towards the expense of Christmas crafts, and visits from a Theatre Company as a year end treat each year.



If you are on Facebook please join our friends page to be kept up to date with all our forthcoming news.  Friends of Morley Meadow Primary School

We are always in need of new members. If you are interested in joining the PTA as a member of the committee, or a helper at events if you are unable to get to meetings due to other commitments, please let us know by dropping a note in our PTA tray in the office or emailing us on

Reasons to join: