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Morley Meadow Primary School

Morley Meadow Primary School

Wild Tribe

At Morley Meadow, outdoor learning is seen as a fundamental part of our curriculum. We want children to have the opportunity to be able to explore and learn outside throughout the year both to experience the seasons and changing nature around them and to further enrich the curriculum through hands on learning. We aim to create an environment where the learning is brought to life with practical activities and where children can feel confident to have a go and push themselves out of their comfort zones. Outdoor learning excites children and instils a love and wonder of the natural world that they need to learn to protect and nurture. This connection with the natural environment around them in turn builds on their sense of self and wellbeing.

Through their outdoor learning sessions, we encourage children to;

  • Develop and build confidence in risk management
  • Use tools to create and build
  • Develop creativity
  • Feel empowered and confident and believe they can succeed
  • Be inquisitive, investigative and curious
  • Work collaboratively and independently
  • Be resilient and determined learners
  • Be problem solvers
  • Communicate ideas and listen carefully
  • Feel free





See our full statement in the attachment below. 

To view our online 'Wild Tribe Activities' gallery please click HERE