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Morley Meadow Primary School

Morley Meadow Primary School


In a world where technology provides us with so many great opportunities to extend our knowledge, connect with people and play games, it is really important that both parents and children know how to stay safe. Our school e-safety policy ensures that children are able to take full advantage of the potential of computing, while doing so in the safest environment we can create. We want a generation that is equipped with the tools needed to take full advantage of every opportunity available to them, in the safest possible way. The links on this page all lead to amazing sites full of the most up to date information.

The children learn and use skills in ICT across all areas of the curriculum, but also have time to reflect and consider the importance of internet safety and appropriate use.  As teachers and parents there are many ways we can help our children and understand the technological world we live in.

Remember to teach your children the SMART way to use the latest ever-changing technology.


For useful information and tips to help you with your child's online safety simply click on the website links below:

The NSPCC website contains useful information for parents about supporting their child. There are pages about setting parental controls on internet-enabled devices and how to talk to your child about the risks of going online. 

PEGI is the official rating system for computer games. Their website explains what they rate and how to understand each of their symbols.

UK Safter Internet Centre - The parent section of this website contains tips, advice, guides and resources  to help keep your child safe online.

The Internet Matters website provides lots of useful articles on online safety, as well as a detailed look at the issues that can affect children.

Childnet’s website contains tips on what you need to know as a parent, the latest risks and how to seek help if you know someone at risk.


Parent E-Safety Guides can be found by clicking here.